Hybrid Systems

At Biodom, we work immensely on our development. We have combined the we have developed a hybrid system combining the efficiency of heat pump and additional high temperature source of heating.

Such system is best suited for older, poorly insulated buildings, that are using pellets/logs/oil/gas and use a radiator heating system.

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5.000€ subvencije

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Hibridni sistem toplotne črpalke Turbo Rudi

Why is it better to heat such an object with a hybrid system??

Combination of heat pump and pellet boiler is a long-term solution.

To answer this question, we must first understand how heat pumps work. Heat pumps have the best efficiency at higher outside temperatures and when heating the heating water to a low temperature. That is why heat pumps are most suitable for underfloor heating, where the water temperature usually does not exceed 35°C.

In a radiator system, where the temperature of the heating water is required to be above 50°C or 60°C for colder winter days, the efficiency of the heat pump is significantly lower. Often, the heat pump is oversized for such systems, in order to be able to heat the building even at the coldest temperatures. The problem arises during warmer and transitional periods, when heating is still necessary, but in smaller quantities. This period is basically most of the heating season. At that time, oversized heat pumps operate at low speeds and reduced power (10% – 45% of full power), where their efficiency is much lower and high consumption occurs.

Many buildings in the world are of older construction, lack adequate insulation and adequate heating devices. Such residential buildings are not suitable for heating only with heat pumps, because in low temperature conditions, their energy yield and power drop, and electricity consumption increases drastically. In these conditions, the pellet boiler in our hybrid system steps in to help heat the facility.

It covers two energy sources of simultaneous heating – a pellet boiler and a heat pump. Both energy sources can work at the same time, mainly thanks to our system solutions and the S3 hydraulic switch.

Big annual savings

One of the cheapest forms of heating. Over 20 years, you can save up to €4,000 compared to a heat pump alone, depending on the energy prices on the market.

Longer lifespan of devices

Lifespan of the heat pump and its compressor will double, because the heat pump will not work in conditions that are not suitable for its operation. Resulting in longevity and longer lifespan.

European quality

Domestic technological development that puts your comfort, health and the environment first.

Easy to use

A simple screen allows for quick and clear management of pellet boiler and heat pump. The system automatically manages both energy sources

WiFi app

The entire system can be monitored remotely via a WiFi connection and a mobile application

Krediti pri Eko skladu

Za akcijski paket Turbo Rudi so na voljo ugodni krediti pri Eko skladu, z dobo odplačevanja do 10 let.

Primerjava stroškov ogrevanja.

Kombinacija kotla + toplotne črpalke pomeni najnižje stroške ogrevanja v primerjavi z drugimi viri.

Paket zagotavlja ugodno ogrevanje za 20 – 30 let. 30 % cenejše ogrevanje kot s samo toplotno črpalko ali samo peleti. Na letnem nivoju je prihranka okoli 200 €.

V 20 letih prihranite 4000 € stroškov na elektriki!

Velik prihranek

Ena najcenejših oblik ogrevanja. V 20 letih lahko prihranite vse do 4000 € v primerjavi s samo toplotno črpalko.

Avtomatsko čiščenje

Avtomatsko čiščenje kotla zagotavlja večje udobje, saj odstrani potrebo po tedenskem čiščenju.

Tiho delovanje

Delovanje kotla in toplotne črpalke je za uporabnika skoraj popolnoma tiho in nemoteče.

Evropska kvaliteta

Domač tehnološki razvoj, ki na prvo mesto postavlja vaše udobje, zdravje in okolje.

Enostavna uporaba

Enostaven zaslon omogoča hitro in jasno upravljanje kotlov in toplotnih črpalk.

Ekološko ogrevanje

Ena najcenejših oblik ogrevanja. V 20 letih lahko prihranite vse do 4000 € v primerjavi s samo toplotno črpalko.

Dvoconska hidravlična kretnica Biodom S3
36,1 kW (4,3 - 36,1kW)
80m2 - 400 m2
avtomatsko kombiniranje
manj pepela, nizke emisije

BIODOM S3 hydraulic switch?

The key element for the operation of the hybrid system is the two-zone bivalent hydraulic switch Biodom S3.

The two-zone switch enables the connection of both; a low-temperature and a high-temperature system. In a hybrid system, where different heating devices are interconnected, the high and low temperature water supply must be separated.

For example, if the hot water from the boiler enters the heat pump, the heat pumps gas temperature and pressure can rise to a level where alarms are triggered. Biodom has developed a special compact hot-cold water separator that performs the separation function in a very compact size, along with some additional functions such as space to add external electric heaters and safety valves. By using this device, the system becomes very compact and almost any high-temperature source, such as gas, oil, wood or pellet boilers, can support heat pumps in critical conditions.

Tehnično delovanje sistema.

Oglejte si video, v katerem smo opisali delovanje toplotne črpalke na starejših objektih s slabšo izolacijo ter radiatorskim sistemom ogrevanja. V videu so opisane prednosti naših toplotnih črpalk, ki lahko sodelujejo z dodatnim virom ogrevanja in tako dosegajo drastično višje sezonske izkoristke.